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Unable to create or update product through API

I have a product and I am trying to update it using the below api https://api.hikeup.com/api/v1/products/create

But I am getting this error "Something went wrong (internal error). Please try again!", getting 500 Internal server error.

Sending below json in body:

{"id":28411,"sku":900734006,"barcode":"10000734006","name":"BUFFALO CARSHORT 30","isActive":true,"has_variants":false,"continue_selling_no_inventory":true,"track_inventory":true}

and passed this in header

``` content-type:text/json


This is the response which I am getting
"result": null,
"targetUrl": null,
"success": false,
"error": {
"code": 0,
"message": "Something went wrong (internal error). Please try again!",
"details": null,
"validationErrors": null
"unAuthorizedRequest": false,
"__abp": true