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Gift Card Sales

Does the sale of a gift card get recorded as a special line item in a transactions? If so, how would we be able to capture all the gift card sales from the Sales API? Thank you.


How are refunds recorded in individual transactions? Will it show up as a transaction with negative values for all the totals and refundedQuantity will be greater than 1 in the Sales API? Thank you.

Status Field - Purchase Enpoint

Hi What does the status field refer to in the Purchase endpoint? I see most results have a status of 1 or 3, could you please send me all the possible values and their meaning?

How to call customers api.

After Authorization, How to call api to get all customers for specific store.

Integration App

Hello Team, We built an integration 99Minds Gift Card app-Let Hike merchants sell their brand gift cards online by integrating Hike with other renowned eCommerce app platforms like BigCommerce, Shopify, and WooCommerce. It also allows Merchant to accept the Bigcommerce, Shopify, and WooCommerce Gift card on HikePOS. Our HikePOS cloud Address: 99mindsinc.hikeup.com We need to extend our trial to test our integration. We need guidance about how to release our app in the integration of Hike POS. Our goal is to allow Vend's merchants to sell their brand gift card online to reach out to their patrons, corporates for their employees' rewards & incentives program. Regards, Pravin

API not working?

Getting nothing but 404 errors on endpoints...

Integration and Customization of Hike

Dear, I am Balu Vasista, Software Architect from Rtwo Healthcare Solutions, we have a product called ICU Connect, we integrate all kinds of ICU devices and display parameters in a single screen in doctor's phone. Now we would like to integrate with messenger platform like hike, to aggregate more features like : group chat per patient for doctors; where each patient will be created a group with all the necessary doctors, nurse, lab technicians etc Furthermore, on demand live stream patient data can be streamed on our app(integrated to hike) on click of a button. Currently, we are using Angular8, Ionic and Java Springboot. I believe this will help a lot of doctors, and we are open to partner with you to have a win-win solution. Likewise, we have also partnered with Microsoft Teams.

Get Product Detail

How can I get log file for reponse time.

Redirect URI

Can you suggest an example of Valid Redirect URI because it shows this URI as Invalid http://localhost:48900/BC140/OAuthLanding.htm

Access Token

Following: ``` Step 3 - Exchange authorization code for an access token Now that you have an authorization code, exchange it for an access token using the oauth/token API method: https://api.hikeup.com/oauth/token client_id - issued when you created your app (required) client_secret - issued when you created your app (required) [App secret] code - Temporary authorization code received in step 2 (required) redirect_uri - must match the originally submitted URI (if one was sent) grant_type - this is always 'authorization_code' ``` Gives error: ``` Server Error in '/' Application. Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source ```